A wine is sealed with a natural cork. What storage conditions would you recommend for the long term aging of this wine?
[Answer(s) based on WSET Level 3 material]
The wine should be stored on its side in a consistently cool temperature environment (between 50°F [10°C] and 59°F [15°C]) , away from direct light.

The natural cork allows for slow oxygen transfer in and out of the bottle, which aids the slow development of the wine. Storing the wine on its side will keep the cork moist, so it will not dry out or crack (thus allowing in more oxygen at an increased rate leading to the spoilage of the wine). Wine cannot be stored at too cool a temperature for that same reason (the cork will crack). Light will affect the temperature of the wine (light = heat) and storing the wine under either natural or artificial light will result in lightstrike (ie: you’ll ruin your wine).

Is it time to double check your storage conditions?

(I did after I learned a few of these points…)
Stay tuned for more. Let’s see what WSET question I pull out of the hat tomorrow for you cool kids. If you happen to have a Pop Quiz you want to give me, leave it in the comments…. Thanks for helping me study!
Wine review too? Twist my arm….
About the Wine: Troon Vineyard 2018 Grenache
(PS Troon Vineyard is 100% biodynamic, for those of you who keep track of those things…)
Flavor Profile:
Appearance: pale ruby
Aroma: youthful aromas with medium (+) intensity; aromas: rose petal, cranberry, raspberry, anise, charred wood, cedar
Palate: dry, medium (+) acid, medium (+) tannin, medium alcohol, med (-) body, medium (+) flavor intensity; flavors: cranberry, raspberry, wet stone, anise, toast, cedar
Medium (+) Finish
Conclusion: Based on the WSET criteria the Troon Vineyard 2018 Grenache is a Very Good wine. And, given the tannin structure and acidity level, I believe that this wine has the potential for aging. But you can enjoy this now. Please enjoy this now. I enjoyed it now and I wish I had more to enjoy…now…
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