Tag: Napa

Starmont Winery & Vineyards Pinot Noir 2012

I’ve never heard of Starmont Winery before. This was an honest-to-goodness random pick at my local TJ’s. My only requirements were a) Pinot was a must and b) I was specifically craving a California Pinot. And this particular TJ’s is slim-pickins’ in the wine aisle (ok, I guess requirement “c” was that it wasn’t labeled as a TJ wine). Anyway…I had two choices and this one was more in my price bucket. So I nabbed it, crossed my fingers it’d taste how I was craving, picked up my pizza, and went home. Read more.



Joel Gott California Unoaked Chardonnay 2015

If you’re from California or enjoy California wines, the concept of an “unoaked” Chardonnay may confuse and baffle you. Like, what’s the point? But, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, winemakers are like chefs: they know their ingredients in their separate parts, and they know their ingredients as a combined whole. With that experienced knowledge, winemakers will make their harvesting, pressing, fermenting, and aging choices. And good winemakers, like good chefs, will never distribute something they’re not 100% proud of. Now, that’s not to say that it will be to every person’s palate. If you’re a hardcore Cal-oaky Chard kind of person, then that’s your right and privilege. Personally, I like to experiment. And, though, I’ve had a few (unmentionable) un-tasty unoaked Chards in my time, I figured, why not give Joel Gott a go. I’ve had good experiences with his wines in the past (see Joel Gott Pinot Gris), his wines, on the whole, have a good reputation, and for ten bucks — might as well, right? So, I present to you, Joel Gott California Unoaked Chardonnay…


Prager Napa Valley Petite Sirah 2011

Prager Winery & Port Works is a boutique, family-run business in the heart of Napa Valley, boast three generations of Prager “Porters.” Although their physical location is a bit off the beaten path for most tourists, I was lucky enough to come into contact with them through social media. Their area of expertise is, obviously, Ports, but they do craft “regular” wines as well. I thought the best place to start my adventure in Port-land would be to experience one of their wines, diving deep into the main ingredient of their product of passion.


2015 Markham Sauvignon Blanc

I love Markham Vineyards wine. They have some pretty schmancy stuff that can cost a good dollar (well worth it in my book, though), but then they have stuff for everyday consumers like myself. And, what I like, is that I don’t feel like they skimp on the affordable wines. When I taste a $10 dollar wine from Markham, I still feel like I’m sipping something special. And so it is with Markham’s 2015 Sauvignon Blanc.


Seghesio Family Vineyards 2014 Zinfandel – Great Mid-Week Wine

Today I sing the praises of Seghesio Family Vineyards 2014 Zinfandel – a truly indulgent Zinfandel that will enliven a mid-week meal, add calm and comfort to the work week, and just make you feel good all around for drinking it.

This is another ode to the half-bottle. Oh how I love thee during my mid-week wine adventures. And with all the wine tasting I’ve been doing lately, I’ve actually become quite picky with what I drink — even if it is a “daily drinker.” With the half bottle, it’s all about quality, not quantity. Yes, that’s a cliche phrase, but it’s true. And the quality of Seghesio’s Zinfandel was quite a pleasant surprise…
