Salmon fillet, coated with a honey-mustard sauce, and grilled to perfection on top of a cedar plank — this is by far one of my favorite recipes. In fact, this is my go-to Sunday supper. It’s super easy, definitely delicious, and is best paired with nicely chilled rosé.

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Not the most glamourous, but stay with me…

My favorite thing to do with this salmon is to plop in on top of a ginormous salad and enjoy with some fresh baked bread. Unfortunately, that’s not photogenic, but sometimes the best meals just aren’t. And that’s ok.

cedar plank salmon salad
This meal will never plate pretty. Too bad.

Looking for the perfect wine pairing? For a hot summer day or for those who are looking for a light wine, I highly recommend Toad Hollow Rosé. For those looking for a red wine, I recommend something that will accentuate the cedar, such as Hitching Post’s Pinot Noir.

Side Note: I’ve got an Orange Glaze that would work well with this exact same cooking method (you know, if you want to change it up).


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