Tag: pinot noir

Testarossa 2013 Brosseau Vineyard Pinot Noir

Testarossa wines have a special place in my heart. Not just because I was married at their beautiful Los Gatos winery (although…that doesn’t hurt…) but also because their wines are just…so…good. In fact, one of the main reasons I chose to get married at Testarossa was because I fell in love with their wines. And what better way to celebrate love than with love?

Their wines are friendly and approachable and yet have such depth and complexity — casual and serious drinkers alike are bound to enjoy.

I’ve been a wine club member off and on for several years, so I’ve got a good few bottles of Testarossa’s finest in my cellar. And any time a birthday, anniversary, or I just feel like an occasion calls for something nice, I pull out a Testarossa and try to accompany it with a complimentary meal.

Today, let’s celebrate with a bottle of Testarossa’s 2013 Brosseau Vineyard Pinot Noir.


Betwixt 2014 Pinot Noir – A Notch Above the Rest

I first met Tim and Melissa of Betwixt Wine during the 2016 Pinot Days in San Francisco. During that conference I had the opportunity to try their 2014 Pinot Noir from Lester Family Vineyards. When I visited their downtown SF winery a few weeks later to taste a line-up of their current and up-coming releases, somehow this Pinot Noir still stood out as a notch above the rest. Take a bottle home? Yes, please!

And so I did, bring it home, share it, and enjoyed it. Now I must write all about it so you, too, can procure and enjoy Betwixt’s 2014 Pinot Noir.
