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Latest Wine Headlines: March 19—25

Happy weekend all. Hope everyone’s had a good week behind them and something exciting to look forward to ahead of them. I’ve got your weekly wine-newsy roundup (of course). A few pieces that spoke to me—Puck Futin beer (raising money for Ukraine refugees), why wine brands should start utilizing Tik Tok, Asimov’s piece on the language of wine, and there are quite a few interesting articles coming out of VinoJoy News this week for those who are interested in the latest in the Asian wine industry.

On a personal note, I recently cleaned out my wine cellar. What I had intended to be a one-hour job morphed into an all afternoon and into the early evening project. But, as such, I’ve got a lot of wines that I think would warrant a fair review/write up on this site—some new releases and others some excellent ‘cellar finds’ if you will. I know I’ve been a bit more news/news-round up focused on this site, which you all seem to be enjoying. How about some good old fashion wine write-ups? If that’s something you’d like to see more of, just shoot me a quick note with like—I dunno—a thumps-up emoji? And let me know.

Tis all for now. Happy (safe and healthy) drinking!


Me—when I see the wine glass getting a little too empty…



Latest Wine Headlines: March 12—18

Hope everyone is off to a good start to their weekend. I don’t have anything specific to chat about today. Nor can I think of any kind of clever/witty/snarky comment about this week’s news round-up. So I will, for once, leave you in peace to enjoy your read-through.




Latest Wine Headlines: March 6—March 11

Hello my people and happy weekend. PSA announcement for those living in the US States that participate—Spring Forward this weekend!

Speaking of Spring Forward. I’m ready to tell you all about my own forward and upward springing. As of this last Monday, March 7, I am officially immersed in my new full-time position as the Senior Editor of print for Wine Enthusiast magazine. Woohoo.

I still have this week’s wine-newsy round-up. And it is a doozy. I mean, there’s loads going on—between Women’s History Month, the drinks industry’s wonderful support of Ukraine, new AVAs, and wine industry data analytics through to some more light-hearted entertaining pieces, including an exposé on Mo’s “Tavernas,” wine-related binge-watching, and even good old classic wine recommendations. I suggest pouring yourself a Briscoe-sized glass, squashing into a big comfy chair, and scrolling at your leisure.

SlainteSaluteSaludCin-cin! and Cheers!!!




Latest Wine Headlines: February 26—March 4

Hello all and happy first weekend of March! I can’t believe how fast this year is already flying by. One personal project I want to highlight this week is a podcast that was recently released in conjunction with the Green Wine Future Conference coming up this May. I’ll be moderating the session on Regenerative Agriculture. In the meantime, the conference is publishing a series of podcasts that correlate to session topics. Listen in to my piece on Regenerative Viticulture as I interview Jason Haas of Tablas Creek and Richard Leask of Leask Agriculture on the topic.

I’ve one more piece of exciting news that I will be sharing with you all later this week. So stay tuned on that front.

In the meantime, I’ve go loads of news listed for you this week, including how the food and drinks industry is supporting Ukraine, discovering wine in the ‘metaverse,’ and a couple of very well written opinion pieces as well. So enjoy. Talk soon!

My weekend vibes…



Latest Wine Headlines: January 29—February 4

Hello my people and happy weekend. I’ve got your weekly newsy round up for you, featuring a lot of fun stuff. I’m particularly in love with this new NY restaurant concept. And have totally bookmarked this wine-with-soul-food article.

On a personal note, I’d love to share a bit what I’ve been working on. Coming up next week, Wine Industry Network is hosting its annual (virtual) leadership conference. I’ll be moderating the session about Wine Business HR. Registration is FREE. I also just finished recording a podcast for the Green WineFuture, along with Jason Haas (Tablas Creek) and Richard Leask (a man with MANY talents in the viticultural sphere) all about—you guessed it—regenerative agriculture. You’ll definitely want to listen in on the podcasts leading up to this one. Ours will be released in just a few weeks (episode 6).

At the end of the month, I’m moderating the 2022 Rhone Rangers event seminar “Rhone Essentials.” Tickets are still available. This is an in-person event, so if you’re local or in the area the weekend of the 20th, pop by! There’ll be a Grand Tasting and you’re sure to see yours truly wandering around and sipping some of my favorite wines.

I’ll also be judging at a few local wine competitions, including East Meets West (let the battle of the coasts commence!) and the Foothill Wine Competition (definitely looking forward to some interesting wines). Stay tuned for winning results.

And if that’s not enough, I’ve taken my first steps to becoming a WSET educator. More to come on when and where.

That’s all from me. Hope everyone is safe, healthy, happy. Don’t be shy, drop a line. Cheers.

