Searching for "half bottle"

La Crema Chardonnay Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 2014

I don’t like La Crema. And yet here I am on a cold winter night, wrapped in a warm blanket, supper furry UGG socks on, listening to the rain tap the window while the heater coughs up warm, if not a bit dusty, air. Oh yeah, and I’m drinking La Crema Chardonnay.

The act of drinking La Crema is, for me, a solo act — a bit like sneaking cookies after your parents go to bed. The utter butteriness, the creaminess that coats the mouth, that full-bodied, if not a bit fatty, texture on the tongue — you know you shouldn’t, and on most days you don’t. But when it’s what you’re craving…it’s what you have to have.

It’s ok, no one has to know. It’s our little secret. I won’t tell if you don’t…


Product Review: WiKeeps – The Best of Wine Anytime

It’s the middle of the work week — #winewednesday, or maybe #thirstythursday – and you’ve earned a glass of wine for making it this far. And that’s all you want, one glass. But is it worth opening up a whole bottle for just that one glass? Will the rest of the wine wait for the weekend, for friends and family to enjoy with you? Or will you be serving vinegar with Sunday supper?



Seghesio Family Vineyards 2014 Zinfandel – Great Mid-Week Wine

Today I sing the praises of Seghesio Family Vineyards 2014 Zinfandel – a truly indulgent Zinfandel that will enliven a mid-week meal, add calm and comfort to the work week, and just make you feel good all around for drinking it.

This is another ode to the half-bottle. Oh how I love thee during my mid-week wine adventures. And with all the wine tasting I’ve been doing lately, I’ve actually become quite picky with what I drink — even if it is a “daily drinker.” With the half bottle, it’s all about quality, not quantity. Yes, that’s a cliche phrase, but it’s true. And the quality of Seghesio’s Zinfandel was quite a pleasant surprise…


Special Sipper: Duckhorn 2014 Sauvignon Blanc

This wine always acts the part of my “special treat.” It’s the middle of the week, I’ve had a hard one, and I have a meal that just calls for a Sauvignon Blanc. I can’t help it, I splurge and I bring home a bottle by Duckhorn…

Technically, this could qualify as a Daily Drinker or a Special Sipper, but as Duckhorn runs just slightly over my price mark ($30 for this particular varietal), and I do tend to save it for those times when I need a pick-me-up, I’ve dubbed Duckhorn “special.”

And it is special. There’s something about the Sauvignon Blanc in particular that does…pick-me-up. The lightness, the fruit-forwardness, the floral elements, and a refreshing hint of minerality that brings it all together. It’s like, when I’m feeling out of balance, the balance of this wine kind of puts me back together again. And…I’m happy.


Daily Drinker: St. Michael Eppen 2014 Pinot Grigio

Let me start off by saying that this wine is my definition of a “Daily Drinker.” Not only  is it easily accessible, both in price and on the palate, but it comes in a cute little half bottle at my local Whole Foods Market. I’m a big fan of the half bottle for a during the week drink — think of it as portion control. You know when it’s only Tuesday, but you really want a glass or two of wine, but you really don’t want to open a whole bottle and make vinegar for the weekend? Yeah, that’s when half bottles are awesome. And when the flavor profile is easy on the palate, well, that’s just bonus points.

Little did I know that my weekday, “Daily Drinker” actually has a bit of a story and a little more depth than I originally gave it credit for…
