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This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: August 16—August 21

Breathe. Everyone just take a deep breath in. (I know the air quality is bad.) Hold. Slowly release. We will get through this. We will get through this and 2020 will just be that year that happened that one time. We’re in the thick of it now, so it seems overwhelming and horrible and unforgivable. And it’s ok to feel that way. Let yourself feel that way. Then breathe. Then move forward. Move forward and let’s help each other through this.

Listen, much of the news this week centers around the fires that are strewn across California, many of which are concentrated in and around our state’s various (not just Napa/Sonoma) wine countries—North, Central and South. As a Sonoma resident, I’d like to let you all know that I am safe and healthy. Please send your thoughts, prayers, and charitable donations to those who are immediately affected. (Direct Relief, Napa Valley Community Foundation, California Fire Foundation, Red Cross, UndocuFund, Sonoma Family Meal)

A few helpful resources: County of Sonoma: Sonoma County Fire Incident Map; Press Democrat: What to pack in your evacuation bag

But let’s not forget, there’s still an election going on. And the US is not the only going going through issues at the moment—read about what’s happening in Australia cellar doors and international trade market and South Africa’s battle with prohibition.

I urge you, though, scroll through. It’s not all bad news. I love this profile piece by Dorothy Gaiter on Garry Farrell’s Theresa Heredia (cheers to this proud Latina, LGBTQ Sonoma winemaker); this first-person account by Jeanne Vito, an Afropean wine entrepreneur brought up in Chablis, working in the wine industry and living between South Africa, Togo, and Germany; and it looks like the Finnish are onto some kind of hangover cure

That’s all from me for now.

Breathe. Stay safe. Stay health. Stay positive. Breathe


This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: July 12—July 17

Hope everyone is staying happy and healthy and making smart decisions out there. Here’s what’s happening in the wine and food world…

Locally, California has gone back a phase (or two) and all indoor recreation, including indoor dining, wineries, and tasting rooms are shuttered once more. While those latter three can accommodate guests in an exterior setting, all bars (that don’t have a food service attached to them) must close completely. The Press Democrat has a breakdown of what’s going on, but also check out the California Department of Public Health’s Guidance on Closures below.

IF you decide to go out—WEAR. A. MASK. In Napa, the Register reports, COVID guidelines are now officially being enforced. Wear a mask, maintain social distancing courtesies, don’t gather in large groups—or be fined.

In other Napa-news COVID is now potentially affecting harvest. It’s a time when many workers travel from around the globe to pick and crush grapes, but no-go given the current circumstances. Are you a local looking for a harvest internship? Scroll down to the Napa Valley Vintners Job Board link below.

Good wine news? Wine-searcher reports that French sparkling wine is, as of yet, affected by the tariff drama. Cheers to that.

Looking for some COVID distraction? Scroll down to the BLOGS where Eater has a top list of graphic novels that feature food as the major theme. Decanter has a fun crossword that will challenge your Rhone Valley knowledge. And that same publication will take you on a tour of some of the most beautiful California vineyard estates currently for sale.

As always, there’s loads of other things to read—not all COVID and not all bad news. So, have a dose of fun with your newsy news as well.

Cheers, all. Be well.


This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: June 28—July 3

It’s a short week this week for those of us in the US, and I hope everyone has some way they’ll be enjoying the time off. Of course, celebrating our country’s heritage is a bit bitter sweet this year—for many reasons—so, I’d like to highlight a few positive pieces that came out in this week’s wine-related news. Wine Industry Advisor speaks to Sonoma viticulturist Brenae Royal, who speaks to how racial inclusivity within the wine business means creating a simultaneously broader, yet more intimate and meaningful, wine consumer base. For more on that kind of perspective, check out the Forbes piece that profiles three Black wine experts—including one of my favorite local producers Theodora Lee. And for those of you in the biz who are looking to hire, work or network with, or just become familiar with qualified Black wine industry pros, Julie Coney has spearheaded, and officially launched, the Black Wine Professionals website just this past week.

Need a bit of a laugh? Well, there’s a company making wine bottles out of paper. Yeah…

Oh, and for my wine nerds out there, check out Tim Gaiser’s blog post on deductive tasting and Young Gun of Wines’ dive into ageable Aussie Chard.

That’s some of the good/fun news. However, I do want to say that if you have outdoor plans for this Fourth of July weekend, please stay safe. Here in California Newsom has shutdown indoor businesses (including bars, restaurants, wineries, and tasting rooms) in 19 counties, as well as state beaches from Monterey to Sonoma. But before you get any ideas about packing up the truck and heading toward the North Bay, be warned: Sonoma County is not immune and is, in fact, probably next on that list.

So, again, wherever you are, however you choose to celebrate, please make smart decisions, stay safe, protect yourself and others. That’s all from me for now. Have a happy weekend and drink some good wine.


This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: June 7—June 12

To put it mildly, there is a lot going on in our industry right now. Whoever said that wine and food wasn’t political, well, was just wrong. Scroll through these headlines to see what I mean.

A few specific pieces I want to call out—Dorothy Gaiter’s first-person perspective on what it’s like to be a black woman in a predominantly white wine industry; Eric Asimov on why wine is worth exploring and enjoying during the height of these global crises; and Amber LeBeau’s well-written blog post on why may not be the right time for tasting room re-openings, but—if your business is insistent on doing so—what kind of experience is mostly likely to draw us back.

Of course I’ve included the Bon Appétit and AAWE “scandals.” Curious what my fellow wine industry colleagues are thinking/feeling on that latter issue. (Check out what Tom Wark’s economic investigation uncovered.)

I hope you’re all doing well, staying safe and healthy—whether you’re still sipping at home or re-entering the wine world—we’re all in this together. Cheers.


This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: May 30—June 5

Hello my people. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy. This last week has been a traumatic one, an exhausting one, riddled with what on the surface seems like only bad news. But I suppose the positive is witnessing and experiencing the love and support that can be found. When tragedy hits, when injustice hits, those who speak up, stand together, and promote strength, peace and community—those people are the good news right now. Let’s do our best to be the good news in our own communities shall we?

Here’s a look at what’s been going on in the wine and food industries this past week.
