This is a side dish I’ve made so many times that I cannot honestly tell you how I thought of it or if it was inspired by another recipe. It’s my go-to side dish for my homestyle version of Duck a l’orange (which is why I put the “French” in front of fusion), but it also goes really well with glazed salmon, or as a vegetarian dish on its own.

The addition of shiitake mushrooms gives this dish a bit of a funky earthiness, but if you don’t like shiitake mushrooms or don’t have access, any mushroom you do enjoy will substitute just fine.

rice pilaf mushrooms

Additionally, I find, that if you remove the stems from the shiitake, it’ll decrease the mushroom’s potency (or stank as I call it) which can be overpowering to some people’s palates.

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This is another recipe that’ll let you get your knife skills on, so hone that chef’s blade and let’s get goin’…


rice pilaf
This recipe goes beautifully with crispy skin duck breast and a sticky sauce!



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