You were looking at my Turkey Burger recipe and wondering about the bun, weren’t you? No, I didn’t buy them at the supermarket — I have this thing about fresh baked bread (love love love it), so I can’t resist every opportunity to make it. Burger night is no exception.

Brioche Rolls

The inspiration for making these was a restaurant that, sadly, does not make these anymore. But back in the day, they had the best turkey burger I had ever had. I guess the good thing about a restaurant not making your favorite dish anymore is that if you want it, you’re kind of forced to learn to make it on your own…

A Note About the Recipe: I did make these a bit lighter than traditional brioche rolls. For traditional rolls, use all milk for liquid (instead of water), 2 tablespoons of sugar (in place of 1 tablespoon), and replace my butter substitute for real unsalted butter. These will be more rich than the recipe below.

These brioche buns also work well outside of the burger realm. I’ve used them as hotdog buns, sandwich rolls, breakfast toasties, and just as a side dish to a nice salad.


Don’t for get to try my Turkey Burger recipe!

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