Tag: Sonoma County

Grgich Hills Estate Napa Valley Fumé Blanc 2014

This is my first experience with Grgich Hills Estate wine. It’s a winery I’ve always been, for lack of a better word, a bit intimidated to try. It has all this hype and rep around it — such an elevated heir. I really didn’t think I was cool enough to drink something from Grgich. But sometimes, just like on the playground, you have to rustle up some self-confidence and just jump into a game with the cool kids. So grab a glass and jump in with me, you’ll be so glad you did.



Cannonball Sonoma County Merlot 2014

I’ve always been intimidated by Cannonball wines, which is so the opposite of their mission statement. But I think it’s because I actually don’t see it a lot at my local stores and when I do, it’s usually the half-bottle Cab attached to a price tag worth a full bottle. So I thought Cannonball wines were super serious. Luckily, while I was milling about the wine aisle, I came across Cannonball Merlot — not only affordable, but also on sale to boot. This was my chance to see what all the hub bub is really about.



Gundlach Bundschu Sonoma Valley Merlot 2012

The cool kids at Gun Bun are like cheerleaders for good wine…

After being blown away by Gun Bun’s Chardonnay, I was thrilled to find their Merlot at my local Safeway as well. One of the things I love about this vintner is that none of their wines get more general than “estate.” And they take such pride in their Rhinefarm estate vineyard that it’s hard not to fall in love with a wine just by reading about it. Ok ok…let’s jump in and taste already, shall we?



Jordan Vineyard & Winery Cabernet Sauvignon 2012

Jordan Winery Celebrates 40 Years in Sonoma

Each week I participate in a live Twitter discussion, basically just geeking out about wine. Specifically Sonoma (and Napa) wines. #SonomaChat is lead by the amazing Amy Lieberfarb (follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and IG to learn more), who oftentimes will share the roll of hostess/host with other bloggers, wineries, and wine pros. Last week I was lucky enough to be included as a #SonomaChat Ambassador while us wine tweeps celebrated Jordan Winery’s 40th Sonoma Birthday.

As a #SonomaChat Ambassador, I was sent two bottles of Jordan Winery wines to taste as we chatted. Here is my review, along with some notes from Rob about the Jordan 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon. Cheers!

