Tag: side dish recipe

French-Fusion: Rice Pilaf

This is a side dish I’ve made so many times that I cannot honestly tell you how I thought of it or if it was inspired by another recipe. It’s my go-to side dish for my homestyle version of Duck a l’orange (which is why I put the “French” in front of fusion), but it also goes really well with glazed salmon, or as a vegetarian dish on its own.


Easy Homemade Mango Salsa

I think I inherited my dad’s salsa gene. We both make salsas that pack a punch when it comes to flavor and somehow seem to go well on top of…anything. However, my dad, unlike me, has knife skills like a ninja. So after I took my first knife skills class, the first thing I did when I got home was make a salsa — it’s the best way to practice uniform dicing and the results are delicious. Now, I’ve done it so many times, I’ve got the recipe — and the knife skills — down to a science. So please enjoy…

Mango Salsa Ingredients


Easy a l’Orange Sauce

It’s fun to play “fancy French food” in the kitchen every once in awhile. Unfortunately, I am not classically trained and some techniques and ingredients are just beyond my reach. But when you’re cookin’ up a duck breast, you can’t help but want to make it a l’orange, right? Enter, my cheats sauce…


How to Make Homemade Bread – Tips & Tricks

I love love love making bread. Love it. I love the way the yeast smells as it ferments. I love the way the dough feels when I’m shaping a loaf. I love the smell of fresh bread right out of the oven. And most of all I love the taste and texture of good homemade bread.

I’ve been experimenting lately with different breads. I’m not going to lie, it can be hard, time consuming, and tiring. But these experiments are well-worth it in my opinion. So, I wanted to put together a few tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way. Below are links to a few of my stand-by, basic (read: easy/cheats guide) bread recipes as well.
French Bread Loaf
