Tag: Chardonnay

Chalk Hill Estate Chardonnay 2013

I was on a mission the day I chose Chalk Hill Estate Chardonnay. A mission to find a Chardonnay with a little bit of old-world funk to it. You know, that kind of “taste the farm from the fertilizer on up” kind of funk. It’s the same kind of craving you get for stinky cheese, truffle, or even rare meat. You know what I’m talking about. And if you don’t, well, grab a glass and pour a little Chalk Hill Estate Chardonnay and experiment with me…



Jordan Vineyard & Winery Chardonnay 2014

Jordan Winery Celebrates 40 Years in Sonoma

Each week I participate in a live Twitter discussion, basically just geeking out about wine. Specifically Sonoma (and Napa) wines. #SonomaChat is lead by the amazing Amy Lieberfarb (follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and IG to learn more), who oftentimes will share the roll of hostess/host with other bloggers, wineries, and wine pros. Last week I was lucky enough to be included as a #SonomaChat Ambassador while us wine tweeps celebrated Jordan Winery’s 40th Sonoma Birthday.

As a #SonomaChat Ambassador, I was sent two bottles of Jordan Winery wines to taste as we chatted. Here is my review, along with some notes from Rob about the Jordan 2014 Chardonnay. Cheers!



Gundlach Bundschu Estate Vineyard Chardonnay 2014

Everyone just calls it “Gun Bun”

Yeah, don’t try to pronounce the name, everyone just calls it “Gun Bun” anyway.

I’ve only heard amazing things about Gun Bun’s winery. It’s an estate with history and personality and, although I’ve never been there, I can tell you that, at least on social media, the “Cast of Characters” behind the brand are wonderful. So, with a good rep and socially engaging peeps, I just had to see what all the hype was about and pulled this bottle off the shelf of a local grocer. (Spoiler alert: I was not disappointed.)



Michael David Winery Chardonnay 2015

A good wine is like a good book (or movie or favorite t-shirt). Sometimes when you find one you like you just keep going back to it over and over and never stop to think about what else the author has written or winemaker has produced (or director or designer has created). Such was my case with Michael David Winery: I only ever knew him for his Petite Petit. Well, lo-and-behold, he makes other wines — and you can find those wines at the store! Well, I at least found Michael David Winery Chardonnay…

