Tag: champagne

Celebrate the New Year 2018: Sparkling Wine Round Up!

We’re just a few short days from New Year’s Eve — and let’s face it, popping some bubbly is an international tradition. Luckily, I just ran a whole series dedicated to sparkling wine, so if you still aren’t stocked up for the big night, you’ve got a ton of options to chose from. Of course, make sure you read up on your Champagne 101 and Prosecco basics so you know how to chose the best bubbles for you and your crowd.



Pop the Cork on Sparkling Wine

Sparkling wine — a popular choice surrounding parties, celebrations, and most certainly the holiday season. I use the term “sparkling wine,” because it is frowned upon (no, not illegal) to call a wine Champagne unless it comes from the actual Champagne region in France. But before we pop the cork on a few sparkling wine (and, yes, a few Champagne) reviews, let’s talk about what makes bubbles so special.

Courtesy of GreatWineNews.com
