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Latest Wine Headlines: March 6—March 11

Hello my people and happy weekend. PSA announcement for those living in the US States that participate—Spring Forward this weekend!

Speaking of Spring Forward. I’m ready to tell you all about my own forward and upward springing. As of this last Monday, March 7, I am officially immersed in my new full-time position as the Senior Editor of print for Wine Enthusiast magazine. Woohoo.

I still have this week’s wine-newsy round-up. And it is a doozy. I mean, there’s loads going on—between Women’s History Month, the drinks industry’s wonderful support of Ukraine, new AVAs, and wine industry data analytics through to some more light-hearted entertaining pieces, including an exposé on Mo’s “Tavernas,” wine-related binge-watching, and even good old classic wine recommendations. I suggest pouring yourself a Briscoe-sized glass, squashing into a big comfy chair, and scrolling at your leisure.

SlainteSaluteSaludCin-cin! and Cheers!!!




Latest Wine Headlines: February 12—18

Hello my people and happy weekend—happy long weekend for those who may have the three-day due to President’s Day on Monday. What is up with me, you ask? Well this weekend, I’ll be moderating the Rhone Rangers Experience in Paso Robles. Looking forward to seeing folks I haven’t seen in awhile, making some new friends, and of course tasting some fabulous wines.

What else? Oh yes, I’ve started teaching WSET classes, most recently at the newly created Odyssey Wine Academy. It’s so wonderful to share the knowledge and passion I’ve acquired over the years through my studies with fellow wine enthusiasts.

Alright, that’s all of my selfish news. You can find the real news below. Enjoy!




Latest Wine Headlines: January 1—7

Happy New Year—I hope everyone is off to a safe and healthy start to 2022. The early part of the year certainly is jam-packed with newsy items to report—so hope you poured yourself a large glass to enjoy as you scroll through.

A few items I’d like to call out—Wine Industry Advisor has announced its top 10 “Most Inspiring People in Wine” awards. I’m super impressed by the diverse group of people included on this list. I, myself, am responsible for the write-up on the beautiful Ali Smith Story. But be sure to check out the features on Marty Clubb, Cathy Huyghe, Ron Rosenbrand, and Alex Ryan as well. The publication will release articles on the last five awardees next week.

Also, a huge congratulations to a personal role model of mine, Elaine Chukan Brown, for becoming a full-time member of the Jancis Robinson editorial staff. She’s now the executive editor of the website’s US coverage. Full press release is below.

And in the entertainment sector—I am super curious: What do you all think about this new TV series Grand Cru? Is it a good representation of the wine scene? Are you upset that all the actors hold the stemware incorrectly and that one of them seems to be drinking water while the others sip on cranberry juice? Or, is it just a comedy plain and simple—enjoy the laughs and, like, why so serious? If you’ve watched it, let me know your thoughts.

Tis all for now. Happy weekend-ing!
