Tag: wset

DipWSET Theory: Managing Vineyard Soil Health

[Information based on DipWSET D1 material]

Six ways growers can manage the health of vineyard soil.

In our last exciting episode of WSET studying, we discovered the world of soil and left off acknowledging that there are loads of tests that growers can conduct before a vineyard is established to understand the composition and overall health of his/her/their potential vineyard. Just as important are regularly scheduled tests—think of it as your vineyard’s annual checkup. Soil health tests can indicate what, if anything, needs to be improved—be it the structure, nutrient level, water availability, or pest management.


DipWSET Theory: Vineyard Soils

Physical properties of soil and how it effects vine health.

First, let’s define what soil actually is. Soil is the upper layer of the earth and is made up of geological sediment. Sediment is another word for weathered bedrock—aka solid rock. Soil also includes organic remains in the form of humus as well the water and air found in the pores/space between the sediment. That’s…a lot of stuff. But wait. There’s more…

[Information based on DipWSET D1 material]
