Tag: white wine

Louis Jadot Chablis 2014

Let’s talk Chablis! Chablis (a Chardonnay dominant wine region) is the most northern part of France’s famed Burgundy region. Although summers in this area can be hot, winters are long, harsh, and often bring frost well into the month of May — something vineyard workers often have to battle. But, because of these cool climates, the Chardonnay grapes yield more acidity and less fruit-forward characteristics.

Chablis is on the east edge of the Paris Basin, where soil dates back over180 million years ago to the Upper Jurassic period. The vineyard soil type is predominantly calcareous (chalky and clay-like), giving the wine a very distinct minerality — what is often called “goût de pierre à fusil” (tasting of gunflint).


Charles Smith Wines Kung Fu Girl Riesling

You know Charles Smith wines by the flamboyant pop-art style labels that adorn each bottle. They’re eye-catching, yes, so those wandering the wine aisles at a loss are sure to pick up one or two for — if nothing else — amusement. I’ve tried every one of these under the Charles Smith Wines label and have found that the only one (to my palate) that lives up to its exterior is the Kung Fu Girl Riesling — this wine kicks ass…


Landmark Vineyards Overlook Chardonnay 2013

I love it when a wine exceeds expectations. The kind of wine that makes me want to make a trip up to Sonoma so I can just shake the winemaker’s hand. This is that wine. I knew when I picked up Landmark Vineyards Overlook Chardonnay that it would be good, drinkable, and most probably enjoyable. But I didn’t know that a simple regional Sonoma Coast Chardonnay would show all the depth of flavors that this one did. And it’s all because of the winemakers…well…winemaking. So, Cheers to you, Grech Stach!


J Vineyards & Winery Pinot Gris 2015

J Vineyards is another reliable name to keep in your cellar. They make everything that’s light and bright — from this Pinot Gris to a cool Pinot Noir. And their claim to fame? Well, that’s all about the bubbles. I can’t say I’ve ever been disappointed by a selection from J Vineyards, so let’s start the roll call here with J Vineyards & Winery Pinot Gris.


Kenwood Vineyards Sonoma County Chardonnay 2015

This may seem odd, but I bought this wine because I was in the mood for something Chablis – y. Which, you may wonder, why would you turn to a Sonoma County wine, the epitome of (what I call) Cal-oaky Chard, when looking for something de France? Well, my friends, I tell you, there are wine producers along the California coast who know how to hold back, use refinement in their winemaking techniques. And behold, a fine example in Kenwood Vineyards Sonoma County Chardonnay.
