Tag: Washington Wine

Chateau Ste Michelle Indian Wells Cabernet Sauvignon 2013

You can tell the seasons are changing when I start experimenting with bigger, bolder reds. As the weather gets colder, there’s something so comforting in a large pour of red wine. And I’ve been taking some risks, trying vintners I’ve never tasted from before — some whom I’ve never even heard of. But, when you find a winery you love, you can’t just ignore it. Chateau Ste. Michelle is like a tried and true friend — it never disappoints so I’m comfortable trying even the most “challenging” wines with them. So when I saw they had a Cab I’d never tried before, I figured, well, I have to try it. And if the Chateau Ste Michelle Indian Wells Chardonnay is any indicator of what those vineyards can provide, my interest and tastebuds are peaked.



Charles Smith Wines Kung Fu Girl Riesling

You know Charles Smith wines by the flamboyant pop-art style labels that adorn each bottle. They’re eye-catching, yes, so those wandering the wine aisles at a loss are sure to pick up one or two for — if nothing else — amusement. I’ve tried every one of these under the Charles Smith Wines label and have found that the only one (to my palate) that lives up to its exterior is the Kung Fu Girl Riesling — this wine kicks ass…


Chateau Ste Michelle 2015 Columbia Valley Pinot Gris

In my house, we have a saying that goes something like “Chateau Ste Michelle anything!” Meaning? Meaning that pretty much anything Chateau Ste Michelle puts on the shelves is a cellar keeper for sure (just check out Chateau Ste. Michelle 2013 Indian Wells Chardonnay – A Cellar Keeper). And that rule certainly applies to their latest release of Pinot Gris. Crisp, refreshing, with a spice kick — you’re going to want to stock up on this beauty for sure.
