Tag: Napa Valley Wine

Yao Ming 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon

It may seem trite to some big name bloggers to feature a “celebrity” winemaker. And, indeed, there are those celebrities with so much cash to spend that they’ll simply slap their name on a label of pretty much any product. So, it would stand to reason that a celebrity-named wine would taste as artificial as Hollywood looks. Well, Yao Ming isn’t from Hollywood and if you know anything about him, you know that he’s actually a gentle-spoken, if not shy, individual. The Yao Family Wines 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon speaks, not of Yao’s social status — but of a young wine-personality on the brink of great ideas.


Grgich Hills Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2013

I saved this wine. Saved and saved and saved until I was so antsy to try it, I basically threw a party for it. Ok, not really. But it was two good friends’ birthday and I wanted to pour a wine that a) represents a specific piece of California wine country and a piece of California history and b) showcases all that I’ve learned and come to appreciate during my latest wine studies. Who better than Grgich? What better than a Napa Cab? Flatout — no one and nothing.


Prager Winery & Port Works 2012 Aria White Port

I’ve been holding on to this bottle of white Port since the Prager family shipped it to me some months ago. I wanted to make sure that I was prepared — both mentally and culinarily — before I cracked the seal. I also wanted to make sure that I opened the bottle at the right time and in the right place: I wanted to make sure I was surrounded by loved ones with which to share this wine adventure. A family product like Prager Port deserves such attention and occasion.



Starmont Winery & Vineyards Pinot Noir 2012

I’ve never heard of Starmont Winery before. This was an honest-to-goodness random pick at my local TJ’s. My only requirements were a) Pinot was a must and b) I was specifically craving a California Pinot. And this particular TJ’s is slim-pickins’ in the wine aisle (ok, I guess requirement “c” was that it wasn’t labeled as a TJ wine). Anyway…I had two choices and this one was more in my price bucket. So I nabbed it, crossed my fingers it’d taste how I was craving, picked up my pizza, and went home. Read more.



Prager Napa Valley Petite Sirah 2011

Prager Winery & Port Works is a boutique, family-run business in the heart of Napa Valley, boast three generations of Prager “Porters.” Although their physical location is a bit off the beaten path for most tourists, I was lucky enough to come into contact with them through social media. Their area of expertise is, obviously, Ports, but they do craft “regular” wines as well. I thought the best place to start my adventure in Port-land would be to experience one of their wines, diving deep into the main ingredient of their product of passion.
