Tag: Michael David Winery

Michael David Winery Chardonnay 2015

A good wine is like a good book (or movie or favorite t-shirt). Sometimes when you find one you like you just keep going back to it over and over and never stop to think about what else the author has written or winemaker has produced (or director or designer has created). Such was my case with Michael David Winery: I only ever knew him for his Petite Petit. Well, lo-and-behold, he makes other wines — and you can find those wines at the store! Well, I at least found Michael David Winery Chardonnay…



Michael David Petite Petit 2014

This is my “cheater” big bold red. Like training pants, this is the wine that subtly introduced me to the heartier wine style. So, now, when I’m in the mood for a good wine with substance — but I don’t want to fight with decanting an age-old cellar stasher or fight with the modern-day tannin bombs — I turn to Michael David Petite Petit. That’s a fact.

PS Yes I love elephants. Can you see my elephant drinking in the background?
