I first heard of MacRostie Winery & Vineyard while editing winery reviews at work. It’s not a small name winery, in fact, the MacRostie’s have roots in Sonoma County dating back to the early 70s before Sonoma was the wine country we know now. Suffice it to say, they’re well-established both in name and product. But I think theirs is a name and product a lot of grocery-store wine consumers haven’t heard of.

Their wines float to the top shelf, they’re not in mid-line eye-level. And I think there’s a mis-conception about “top shelf” wines. Just because a wine is literally located on the top shelf doesn’t mean it’s obscure, fancy, or pricey. I’ve only recently trained my eyes to gaze upwards in the wine aisle. And, when I did, I found MacRostie Winery Sonoma Coast Chardonnay.

