Tag: Argentina

Catena Zapata 2017 Catena Malbec

Did you celebrate Malbec World Day last Friday, April 17? I most certainly did, tasting through a wide variety of Argentinian Malbecs along with my friends at The Wining Hour. All of them were lovely, all of them truly expressive of what the climate and topography of the region has to offer this noble grape—indeed, Malbec has certainly found its seat on the throne atop what are known as some of the highest vineyard elevations in the world. But I have to say that when it comes to Argentinian Malbec, my heart truly belongs to Bodega Catena Zapata so it was no surprise that the Catena Malbec was my favorite tasting in the line-up, so this is what I bring to you today. Salud.


Pop Quiz(es) and Wine Region Overview: Argentina

Funny story time: During my tutoring session, my teacher told an amusing anecdote about a WSET Level 3 test she proctored. One woman in the back of the room became visibly upset: huffing and puffing and stirring in her seat. Finally, she grabs her paper, walks up to the head of the classroom and bursts out, “Torrontés? Torrontés??? Are you, serious? Torrontés isn’t important!” To which my teacher replied, “Well, it is in Argentina…”

Amusing, yes. But it also proves a point—all wine regions are important to understand and appreciate. And, on a personal note, I find that while I’m studying these wines different countries—many of which I’ve yet to visit—I’m also gaining an understanding and appreciation for the history, culture, and people, even if just on a surface-level.

So with that amusing and that personal anecdote, I am jumping the equator and traveling to Argentina.

To set the scene Argentina’s wine regions lie along the other side of the Andes as Chile. The regions are spread out over more than 1,500 kilometers from north to south, with most lying at extremely high altitudes—600 meters or more.

[Answer(s) and information based on WSET Level 3 material]
