Searching for "syrah"

Chateau Ste Michelle Indian Wells Cabernet Sauvignon 2013

You can tell the seasons are changing when I start experimenting with bigger, bolder reds. As the weather gets colder, there’s something so comforting in a large pour of red wine. And I’ve been taking some risks, trying vintners I’ve never tasted from before — some whom I’ve never even heard of. But, when you find a winery you love, you can’t just ignore it. Chateau Ste. Michelle is like a tried and true friend — it never disappoints so I’m comfortable trying even the most “challenging” wines with them. So when I saw they had a Cab I’d never tried before, I figured, well, I have to try it. And if the Chateau Ste Michelle Indian Wells Chardonnay is any indicator of what those vineyards can provide, my interest and tastebuds are peaked.



Starmont Winery & Vineyards Pinot Noir 2012

I’ve never heard of Starmont Winery before. This was an honest-to-goodness random pick at my local TJ’s. My only requirements were a) Pinot was a must and b) I was specifically craving a California Pinot. And this particular TJ’s is slim-pickins’ in the wine aisle (ok, I guess requirement “c” was that it wasn’t labeled as a TJ wine). Anyway…I had two choices and this one was more in my price bucket. So I nabbed it, crossed my fingers it’d taste how I was craving, picked up my pizza, and went home. Read more.



Wine & Spirit Magazine Top 100 Tasting 2016

Wine & Spirits Editors Tara Q. Thomas and Luke Sykora talk about the 2016 Top 100


After the Wine & Spirit Magazine Top 100 Tasting, I spoke with Tara and Luke to discuss this year’s list, the selection process, and got a sneak peek at the 30th Annual Wine Buying Guide

And get my Top Four Wineries & Wines to Try
