Category: News

Weekly roundups of the latest wine headlines.

This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: August 8—13

Hello, happy weekend, hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there. Lots of good newsy stuff happening in the world of wine: From health and wellness to (of course) climate change and the latest development in smoke taint research. In shameless self-promotion, I’d like to highlight my first article for the new media outlet The Drop—Meet the California Winemakers Turned Firefighters.

I’ve been keeping busy continuing to freelance with all my regular outlets as well and am enjoying my new post as Wine Industry Network’s new Managing Editor. AND (because that’s not enough) I’m moving forward with my WSET Diploma and beginning my studies for the next section: D4 Sparkling Wines of the World. Have a shipment of bubbles coming my way today, actually. Hoping I’ll find the time to post what I learn from my tasting experience—I know many of you are fans of the WSET-related content on this site. (PS If there’s something specific you’d like me to write about, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line—always like hearing from you all.)

That’s all from me. Have a fab weekend.


This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: July 25—July 30

Hola—Happy My Birthday Weekend to you! Hope you have something fun planned. Me? I’ll just wait to be surprised—or not—whatever the case may be I’m finding that I’ve a lot to be thankful for so am happy to simply celebrate life.

Enjoy your round up of weekly wine news. I’ll highlight, in shameless self-promotion, that I’ve taken on a Managing Editor role for Wine Industry Advisor. I’ll still be freelancing everywhere and keeping up my personal website, but this is a great opportunity and am stoked to jump on board.

Cheers everyone—celebrate something this weekend, even if it is yourself. 🙂


This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: July 18—July 23

Hello and happy last weekend of July. Time flies when you’re drinking wine, eh? That’s why I put together my weekly round up of news-worth wine stories, so we can all play a little catch up during our time off. (Hopefully you’re enjoying some time off.)

There are loads of stories surrounding climate change. I can’t list them all here, but scroll through, there’s enough going on all over the world that even the hardest skeptic should (should) become a believer…

A few other headlines that caught my attention: Randall Grahm’s new project with Gallo (if you have thoughts/opinions on this, would love to hear); the loss of one of Amador county’s founding fathers; and on a lighter note—looks like wine may just be a valuable part of the food pyramid.

#MeToo is far from over, but here’s some progress at least: Batali and Bastianich just settled a major lawsuit following several accusations and CMS America speaks about how it’s shifting toward a safer and more inclusive environment for staff and students alike.

Lastly, with a bit of vein self-promotion, check out two articles published this week: California Zinfandel‘s past, present and future, and my interview with president of Vintage Wine Estates, Terry Wheatley.

That is all for now…scroll, read, have fun. Cheers.
