Category: News

Weekly roundups of the latest wine headlines.

Latest Wine Headlines: July 10—15

Hello my friends. It’s been a hot second since I’ve been able to post anything, even a cheeky round-up. Well, here you go. A list of just a few of the articles, blog posts, and news releases that caught my attention this week. There certainly is a lot and I hope I captured a well-rounded look at our current food and drinks industry.

On a personal note, I plan to post an update about all the things that are happening on my end. There’s a lot. Luckily there will be (quite) a few press releases going out that will announce some of these updates—so keep your eyes out for those and I’ll try to link to them here as well.

Alright, now it’s time to breathe deep cleansing breaths. *Inhale…the wine…* *Exhale…the good times…*



Latest Wine Headlines: April 16—April 22

Hello my friends and happy weekend. I can’t believe it’s already the end of April. Time is flying by. Perhaps because I’ve been having so much fun. (Read: wine.) Newsy roundup this week, no surprise, includes a lot about sustainability in the wine industry, what with Friday having been Earth Day. Cool cool. Also got some interesting wine news coming out of Norway, Switzerland, Greece and South Africa—expand that global perspective. I also want to call out a blog post from earlier this week by yours truly:RAM Cellars—A Taste of Trans-Pride Winemaking.

I think that’s all I got for now. You may not hear from me next week, as I’m embarking on some work-related travel and have a few projects that need to get up and running. But never hesitate to reach out at any time. Always love hearing from ya’ll.




Latest Wine Headlines: April 10—15

Happy Easter to all who celebrate. Happy Passover to all who celebrate. Happy weekend to all who celebrate. No matter what you’re celebrating, even if it’s just life in general, I hope you’re having a good time of it and have a lovely glass in hand. We have modest plans at my place, and that has not stopped me from putting together my weekly shortlist of wine-newsy items. Some good stuff on the list, but one in particular I want to highlight, written by yours truly, is a feature interview with Vivianne Kennedy—the only openly Transgender winemaker in the US. If you’ve not yet read this piece, check it out. And then when you’re done, travel on over to the RAM Cellars website and pick up a few bottles of amazingness. (Or better yet, join the wine club—that’s what I did!)


My personal balancing act…

