Author: stacy.louise

DipWSET Theory: Tasting Loire Valley, Pays Nantais

The Loire Valley is going to be a multi-series event. Rather than tackle the whole large thing at once, I’m taking little nibbles, breaking up my studies into four regions and including one associated tastings for each. For a simplified look at the Loire Valley, please see Loire Valley Regional Round-Up and Wine Review and Pop Quiz(es): Loire Valley.

This series will follow the flow of the Loire River, France’s longest river at 629 miles. Today, we begin our travels as we flow upriver from the Atlantic and step off the boat to discover Pays Nantais and its star grape Melon.

Loire Valley Overview; Fernando Beteta
Loire Valley Overview; Fernando Beteta



This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: September 12—18

EDIT Saturday September 19: I prepared this post previous to the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Suffice it to say her passing has affected me greatly. As such, I wanted to add a nod to this wonderful woman who, though not related to wine or the wine industry, has been and will continue to be a great role model to women who wish to pursue their passion in any career field, make a difference in their community, and stand up for what is right and just no matter what their adversaries throw at them.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an historic figure. She changed the way the world is for American women. She was an example of a woman who defied stereotypes.
She’s a role model and an example of what a “nasty woman” can achieve. She’s left a gaping hole in my heart that I hope I and fellow women can fill by following her example.
“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” she said.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1933—2020
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1933—2020


This Week’s Latest Wine Headlines: September 6—11

Hello and happy weekend. Hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy and happy. For my part, as I write this, Sonoma is still overcast with a mixture of ash and fog—that latter bit I’m actually grateful for for once, as I’m *hoping* it will help clear away the pollutants. For those of you near any West Coast fires who thought the world was coming to and end—well, so did I. The Napa Valley Register has a great piece enlightening us to the science behind that apocalyptic orange glow.

More local news: I recently wrote what (I think) is an interesting piece about how scientists can now “fingerprint” a wine’s DNA, which, in effect, can pinpoint the place of origin, thus basically making a scientific case for the idea behind terroir.

There’s quite a few pieces about the wine industry that came out this week, including the latest in wine shipping news, Pouilly-Fusse’s new premier cru status, and a notable NY sommelier announcing his retirement.

As always, there’s some great independent insight from the Blogs. This week I found a few great wine recommendations from around the world—time to stock up on those international varieties methinks.

Read on, have fun, and leave me a note to say hi. Cheers.


It’s the Biz: German Wine Business

True confession time: I’m starting my D3 studies ‘early’ because as I’m working through my D2, I’m finding that I need real life references as to how the D2—Wine Business—material works in today’s wine industry. It’s like fate that the below question came at the bottom of a newsletter from the Napa Valley Wine Academy. So, I’ve decided that, in an effort to connect the dots between D2 and D3, I’m going to ask this question of every region I study.

Explain how wine law and regulation influence the style, quality, and price of wines from Germany.
